Saturday, March 19, 2011

Old Stomping Grounds....

Well this weekend John and I are in Wilmington (we are waiting to be uncle and auntie :)) so I couldn't resist going yard saling this am in my old stomping ground! Wilmington is where my love for yard sales came alive so I had big expectations.....and I was not disappointed :)
The day started off a little bumpy... lack of sleep (air mattress adventures :)), had to get back into my groove with directions/routes, signs were misleading (that's a whole other blog...coming soon :)) but I pushed through and hit the jack pot!
I found 2 shabby chic chairs, picture frames, books, clothes, grill set, planters, pottery barn pillowcases, watch, and all for under my budget!!!
I love yard sales in Wilmington!! I found lots of great deals tell me what you are looking for.....I bet I can find it :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Purses for sale ......

Hey guys I wanted to post some great purses for sale. Let me know if you are interested :) .....

First purse is fun and can be a great accessory. Price $15.00

White Puma Purse is brand new has 2 front pockets and 1 pocket inside. This bag is super cute with dresses. Price $20.00

This is not a LV bag but looks just like it and cost a lot less :) Great for traveling has pull-out handle, wheels, zipper, and handle snaps together. Price $50.00

Vera Bradley bag is great for weekend trips or a great beach bag! Has one side pocket, zips,and has long straps. Price $35.00

Brand new black Puma bag (can you tell I like Puma :)) great for lap tops, books, or overnight bag. 1 inside pocket and zips. Price $30.00

Until next time...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

And so it begins....

Yesterday I woke up at 6am (which is sleeping in for me!) started the coffee pot got dressed and then had to wait......(it is still dark outside for those who don't believe in getting up early on Saturdays :)). John usually loves coming with me when I go to yard sales but he could tell my excitement was on high level so he thought it would be best if I went out by myself this week (he claims he would have held me back .....probably true :))
So I hit about 6 yard sales overall nothing to brag about........I got some picture frames, tank tops, a future present but nothing grand :(
When yard sale season starts back the first few weeks you can't expect the it started raining yesterday as well.
All this to say I am over the moon excited about the weather feeling like Spring, daylight saving time coming up, and all the yard sales I am going to go to this season!!!!!
Until next time....

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hello World!!

Hi!.....Let me just start by saying I am sooo excited about blogging :) I have wanted to start a blog for a while and thought NOW is the time! A little background about me....I just celebrated my one year anniversary with my amazing husband. I love people and love connecting people with tools (whatever that may be) they need to be happy and successful. I have furnished our town home with great finds from yard sales. Which leads me to my passion......yep you guessed it YARD SALES!!!!!
I have only been going to yard sales for about 6 years but have lots of great stories, fun experiences, and lots to show for it :) I look forward to posting my yard sale finds, weekly experiences, and best deals. More to come.......